
Send your experiments and protocols to Mendeley

Tuesday, 6 October 2015 in Hivebench by Vincent Tourraine

It’s now easier than ever to send your experiments and protocols from Hivebench to your Mendeley library.

This feature has always been available to all of our users on the web. With our iPhone, iPad, and Mac apps latest update, your experiments and protocols now offer a simple button to directly send a PDF copy to Mendeley. Built on top of the Mendeley API, this new feature is a great opportunity to open up your experimental results, and share valuable data among the scientific community.

This is what it looks like on the iPhone:

Send to Mendeley on iPhone

And here it is on the Mac:

Send to Mendeley on Mac, part 1

Send to Mendeley on Mac, part 2

As you can see, the Hivebench apps pre-fill the title and abstract based on your experiment or protocol content. You can edit them further, or leave them as-is. The apps only need to login with Mendeley once, after that all your documents are sent automatically.

The new PDF file is added to your Mendeley library, along with the appropriate metadata, and a link to the original Hivebench document. Then it’s up to you to move it to a particular Mendeley folder, or share it with one of your Mendeley groups.

Mendeley library

You can download our applications for free, for the iPhone and iPad, and for the Mac. Your library is always available on